Which Patients?
The Oncotype DX Breast Recurrence Score provides comprehensive and actionable direction across the spectrum of ER-positive, invasive breast cancer biology, predicting the likelihood of adjuvant therapy benefit as well as your patient’s 10-year risk of distant recurrence. This information will help to guide your recommendation to personalize treatment for each of your patients.
The Breast Recurrence Score is intended for use in all newly diagnosed patients with invasive breast cancer who are:
- Node-negative or node-positive (1-3)
- ER-positive
- HER2-negative>
Which patients may benefit from the Oncotype DX
Breast Recurrence Score test?

NICE Diagnostic Guidance* on the use of the Oncotype
DX Breast Recurrence Score test for NHS patients

section 5.4 of guidance)
Update NICE Breast Cancer Quality Standard [QS12]
recommends Oncotype DX testing. (June 2016,
European Society of Medical Oncology (ESMO) and ESMO are registered trademarks of ESMO. American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) and ASCO are registered trademarks of ASCO; National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) and NCCN are registered trademarks of NCCN. NICE, ESMO, St Gallen, ASCO and NCCN do not endorse any product of therapy.